The Day You Changed The Economy

  Huffington Post L. Hunter Lovins April 2017 This article has been submitted as part of the Natural Capital Coalition’s series of blogs on natural capital by Hunter Lovins, President, Natural Capitalism Solutions, Professor of Sustainable Management, Bard MBA and Time Magazine Millennium “Hero of the Planet”. I was there when we transformed the economy. Were you? It happened 15 – 17 May 2017 in Boulder, Colorado, at the Regenerative Future Summit. The Summit featured leading thinkers in the new economy, CEOs, activists and 300 citizens who gathered to create a new narrative for a Regenerative Economy: a world that...

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Leading for Well-being

  Huffington Post L. Hunter Lovins February 2016 This article has been submitted as part of the Natural Capital Coalition’s series of blogs on natural capital by Hunter Lovins, President, Natural Capitalism Solutions, Professor of Sustainable Management, Bard MBA and Time Magazine Millennium “Hero of the Planet”. In a world beset with woes, people hunger for a sense of who they are, where they belong and what they believe in. Sixty million refugees are on the move, climate chaos is upon us, and the global economy teeters. Demagogues call for the worst in us, and find fertile ground in a...

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Integrated Bottom Line

Integrated Bottom Line

Huffington Post L. Hunter Lovins December 2016 This article has been submitted as part of the Natural Capital Coalition’s series of blogs on natural capital by Hunter Lovins, President, Natural Capitalism Solutions, Professor of Sustainable Management, Bard MBA and Time Magazine Millennium “Hero of the Planet”. Today’s business leaders are running partially blind. The way in which they keep accounts is failing to deliver the complete information that they need to track assets and liabilities properly. As more companies use the principles of sustainable management to guide strategy, they need more sophisticated approaches to inform them of the value of...

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Regenerative Agriculture: Balbo Jr, Lovins and Potočnik – CE100 Annual Summit 2016

Regenerative Agriculture: Balbo Jr, Lovins and Potočnik – CE100 Annual Summit 2016

Revitalizing Agriculture Approach pioneer Leontino Balbo Jr, author and expert on Natural Capitalism Hunter Lovins and former European Commissioner for Environment Janez Potočnik discuss a new approach to agriculture. Find out more about the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and CE100 network at

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Beyond the Limits-Executive Summary

Beyond the Limits-Executive Summary

Confronting Global Collapse, Envisioning a Sustainable Future by Donella H. Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows, and Jorgen Randers Twenty years ago, after working with global data and with a computer model called World3, we came to the following conclusions in a book called The Limits to Growth: 1. If present growth trends in world population, industrialization, pollution, food production, and resource depletion continue unchanged, the limits to growth on this planet will be reached sometime within the next hundred years. The most probable result will be a sudden and uncontrollable decline in both population and industrial capacity. 2. It is possible...


Setting the PACE: New ways to invest in clean energy home improvements for low and moderate income Americans

  Bill Ritter Jr The White House announcement today on Residential Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) is a welcome solution to a problem that has plagued states since 2010. It will go far toward helping all citizens, but especially those on a low and moderate income, to make efficiency improvements to their homes and lower their energy bills. A little history. In 2008, Colorado and California passed the first PACE legislation – allowing households to finance energy improvements on their homes through a simple assessment on their property tax bill. The revenue collected was bonded to finance the energy improvements...

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