Category: Archive


Wild Horses, Hunter Lovins, and the Way to a Better World

The Ecologist Sophie Marlin-Yron 10 September 2014 Hunter Lovins is on a mission, writes Sophie Morlin-Yron: to put the transformational technologies we already have to work for the benefit of people and business – and to re-create the economy so it’s no longer a machine for polluting the planet and devouring natural resources, but a mechanism...


Why George Monbiot is Wrong: Grazing Livestock Can Save the World

  The Guardian L. Hunter Lovins 19 August 2014 L Hunter Lovins: George Monbiot’s recent criticism of Allan Savory’s theory that grazing livestock can reverse climate change ignores evidence that it’s already experiencing success inn his recent interview with Allan Savory, the high profile biologist and farmer who argues that properly managing grazing animals can counter climate chaos,...