Tag: Hunter Lovins


I-80 West

It’s a long way from Des Moines to Colorado. We rose early – time-zone scrambled circadian rhythms being useful for something – and headed west. The morning started grimly though, as logging on to check the status of the crippled nuke in Japan brought the breaking news of the explosion. Dammit, why have humans persisted...


Dispatch from Iowa

Today’s frontline is Iowa. Natural Capitalism has been working with various communities here to enhance the profitability of their small businesses through a for-profit venture that some folk in California has asked us to help create a year or so ago. It’s done OK, that little business, running half a dozen “sustainability learning circles,” with...


2 October 2010 | San Francisco, CA | West Coast Green & Madrone League Announcement

West Coast Green 2010 (no slides used) PRESS TreeHugger Michelle Kaufmann video interview with Hunter Lovins Just Means‘ Kevin Long video interview with Hunter Lovins Triple Pundit “Madrone League: Open Source Sustainability Education” (by Erica Frye) 4 October 2010 Triple Pundit “A Look at Women’s Leadership in Sustainability” (by Erica Frye) 14 October 2010 Tree...