L. Hunter Lovins: “Economy for the Anthropocene” (Download PDF Slideshow Here) Please contact info@natcapsolutions.org for the powerpoint slides.
Category: New York
11 April 2016 | Annandale-on-Hudson, NY | Bard Environmental & Urban Studies Colloquium
L. Hunter Lovins: “Economy for the Anthropocene: (Download PDF Slideshow Here) Please contact info@natcapsolutions.org for the powerpoint slides.
10 April 2015 | Poughkeepsie, NY | Sustainable Hudson Valley Conference
L. Hunter Lovins: “Water and Life” (Download PDF Slideshow Here) Please contact info@natcapsolutions.org for the powerpoint slides.
7 April 2015 | Poughkeepsie, NY | Marist College
L. Hunter Lovins: “Jobs in the Regenerative Economy” (Download PDF Slideshow Here) Please contact info@natcapsolutions.org for the powerpoint slides.
23 October 2014 | New York, NY | AIGA Gain Conference
L. Hunter Lovins: “Design For a New Economy” (Download PDF Slideshow Here) Please contact info@natcapsolutions.org for the powerpoint slides. Video courtesy of AIGA
September 2014 | Boulder, CO | University of Colorado
L. Hunter Lovins: “Why We Marched” (Download PDF Slideshow Here) Please contact info@natcapsolutions.org for the powerpoint slides. Related YouTube video: Why We Are Winning: Hunter Lovins
22 September 2014 | New York, NY | Impact Hub
(Download PDF Slideshow Here) Please contact info@natcapsolutions.org for the powerpoint slides.
5 June 2014 | New York | WOBI on Innovation
Hunter Lovins The Edge Economy, disrupting what doesn’t work to create an economy in service to life. WOBI on Innovation, 2014 (download slides)
5 June 2014 | New York, NY | WOBI on Innovation
L. Hunter Lovins: ” The Business Case for Sustainability” (Download PDF Slideshow Here) Please contact info@natcapsolutions.org for the powerpoint slides. Youtube Video: Hunter Lovins-The Edge Economy-WOBI on Innovation, NY
10 April 2014 | Albany, NY | State University of New York
“Jobs in the Anthropocene” by L. Hunter Lovins (Download PDF Slideshow Here) Please contact info@natcapsolutions.org for the powerpoint slides.