Huffington Post L. Hunter Lovins August 2017 The first in a series in which I will chat with change-agent professors delivering sustainability expertise. In the early 1990s, Professor Mike Russo suggested that there was a broader context for our work helping companies profit by using resources more efficiently. There is, he stated, a business case for...
Tag: Sustainable Business Management
23 February, 2017| OECD Conference| Leading for WellBeing
L. Hunter Lovins “Leading for WellBeing” (Download PDF Slideshow Here) Please contact for the powerpoint slides.
Roughly Right vs Really Wrong
Huffington Post L. Hunter Lovins June 2016 Hunter Lovins explains that when it comes to valuing nature, it’s better to be roughly right than really wrong. This article has been submitted as part of the Natural Capital Coalition’s series of blogs on natural capital by Hunter Lovins, President, Natural Capitalism Solutions, Professor of Sustainable Management,...
Leading for Wellbeing
Natural Capitalism Solutions, with the Humanistic Management Network, have created “Leading for Wellbeing”. Learn all about this project in the video below! Support this project here! Leading for Well Being from Kindea Labs on Vimeo.
Welcome to Sustainable Management with Bard
Triple Pundit 10 October 2012 Remember the feeling of excitement on your first day of class? Imagine the first day of creating a whole new MBA program. I was honored last month to give the inaugural lecture to a class of 19 candidates for a Masters in Sustainable Business, the new MBA created by Bard...