The Guardian L. Hunter Lovins 14 April, 2015 Don’t believe in climate change? Okay, let’s pretend it’s a hoax. From a purely financial perspective it doesn’t matter. If it is a hoax, you’ll make a lot of money. If it’s the real and worsening catastrophe climate scientists believe it to be, you’ll still make a lot of...
Category: Articles
Life after divestment: how to spend the money saved from fossil fuel investments
The Guardian L. Hunter Lovins 13 April, 2015 As more US colleges divest from fossil fuel companies, a new question arises: what to do with all that cash? It began in 2012 with Unity College in Maine. Then Stanford joined in, followed by Syracuse. Now, more than 20 US colleges have divested from fossil fuel...
Challenging the Old Narrative that Possessions Equal Prosperity
The Guardian by Hunter Lovins 10 October 2014 A shift to the sharing economy, millennials shunning private car and home ownership, a saturation of consumerism – is a new economic narrative emerging? Prosperity. Every segment of society seeks it, but ask what it means or how to get it and the answers are not always...
11 February 2015 | Swarthmore, PA | Swarthmore College Sustainability Charrette
L. Hunter Lovins: “For a Finer Future” (Download PDF Slideshow Here) Please contact for the powerpoint slides. College Community Meets to Define Vision for Socially Just, Sustainable Campus
Wild Horses, Hunter Lovins, and the Way to a Better World
The Ecologist Sophie Marlin-Yron 10 September 2014 Hunter Lovins is on a mission, writes Sophie Morlin-Yron: to put the transformational technologies we already have to work for the benefit of people and business – and to re-create the economy so it’s no longer a machine for polluting the planet and devouring natural resources, but a mechanism...
Why George Monbiot is Wrong: Grazing Livestock Can Save the World
The Guardian L. Hunter Lovins 19 August 2014 L Hunter Lovins: George Monbiot’s recent criticism of Allan Savory’s theory that grazing livestock can reverse climate change ignores evidence that it’s already experiencing success inn his recent interview with Allan Savory, the high profile biologist and farmer who argues that properly managing grazing animals can counter climate chaos,...
Coal Does Not Have a Future
Jamaica Observer Suzette Bonas 18 July 2014 Newsweek’s Green Business Icon talks of business opportunities in climate change. JAMAICA’S private sector was yesterday warned not to allow coal-fired plants into the country’s energy mix as they are financially and environmentally unsustainable. Addressing the Climate Change Learning Conference for the Private Sector at the Pegasus Hotel,...
Economy on the Edge: Seeking a World That Works for the 100%
The Guardian 6 June 2014 The global economy is on the edge with 85 people having as much wealth as 3.5bn of the world’s poorest. We need a new story of an economy that doesn’t trash the planet Humanity is learning the hard way. We are exceeding the planetary boundaries that define the edge of our planet’s...
Lies, Half Lies and Nuclear Distortions: There Ought to Be a Law
Huffington Post 28 April 2014 The U.S. Supreme Court is scheduled to rule soon on whether a state can make it illegal for a political candidate to lie about his or her opponent in an election campaign. Expect the Court to side with the old saw that “all’s fair in love and war.” After all, this...
What Our Children Will Ask
[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”] Huffington Post 4 March 2014 I know the questions our children will ask When they stop long enough to think of the past. Was there ever a summer when heat didn’t...