18 July 2014
Newsweek’s Green Business Icon talks of business opportunities in climate change.
JAMAICA’S private sector was yesterday warned not to allow coal-fired plants into the country’s energy mix as they are financially and environmentally unsustainable.
Addressing the Climate Change Learning Conference for the Private Sector at the Pegasus Hotel, president of Natural Capitalism Solutions L Hunter Lovins said of all the fossil fuels, coal, which is being proposed for the trans-shipment port on Goat Islands, as well as for the mothballed bauxite plants in Manchester and St Elizabeth, emits the most carbon — the primary culprit in climate change — and carries a heavy price tag in terms of construction.
“Coal as a future? No!” she said.
“Coal does not have a future. It should absolutely not be thought out for Jamaica. Why on earth would you accept any technology that you do not have here in Jamaica?”
“This is an incredibly energy-rich country,” she continued, highlighting Jamaica’s abundance of sun, wind and water. “The notion that you are beggaring your economy to buy imported oil [and] kill the climate to worsen the storms that are impacting your people is crazy.”
— Suzette Bonas[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]