Category: Interview


More Charging Stations Give Electric Cars More Range

Shelley Schlender January 2016 BOULDER, COLORADO— Neil Belmore and his son Matt are on a road trip from Toronto to Palo Alto, California – 4300 kilometers – driving without stopping for gas. They’re powering up their all-electric Tesla Model S at charging stations along the way. Not too long ago, electric car owners couldn’t plan...


Wild Horses, Hunter Lovins, and the Way to a Better World

The Ecologist Sophie Marlin-Yron 10 September 2014 Hunter Lovins is on a mission, writes Sophie Morlin-Yron: to put the transformational technologies we already have to work for the benefit of people and business – and to re-create the economy so it’s no longer a machine for polluting the planet and devouring natural resources, but a mechanism...


19 December 2013 | Conversations with Great Minds – Media's coverage of climate change? by Thom Hartmann

The Big Picture (YouTube) 19 December 2013 Climate change is the greatest threat our planet has ever faced – and we need to take action now to prevent the situation from getting any worse. But will there ever be enough political will to put the policies in place that are needed to save the future...


"Saving Our Economic Ass" by Bruce Boyers of Organic Connections

Published in Organic Connections September-October 2013 When capitalism hit the fan in 2008, it left a lot of us thinking that there must be a better way—one that takes into account not only financial success but human values that benefit and safeguard our communities and the environment. What you may not know is that this...